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Obdurate <ah-jer-rit> Not moved by pity. Stubborn against good advice. 
The obdurate man would not listen to our complaints.

He only yawned.

A helikos pter is own my lawn. I spray it with water. I shout... but it won't go away. Why doesn't it go away? answer below...

A cat has absolute emotional honesty. Human beings, for one reason or another, may hide their feelings, but a cat does not. ~Hemingway

Grapes and raisins are poison to dogs. Never feed them that... or chocolate.

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answer: It's a helicopter. Water does not matter.
(c) 2017 New Word A Day, ES Carruthers



Hazard comes from an Arabic word - "al zahr" or dice. Dice are for gambling which entails great risk or danger. Roll the hazard anyone?

You put a horse in a bridle, a pig in a girdle and a ram in a ramshackle. Why is the ram mad at you... but it can't run away? answer below...

Accord - to be in agreement. Memory trick: There is a cord between us. We are in accord.

When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. ~Abraham Lincoln.

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answer: A ramshackle is a broken down house. The roof is probably leaking.. so the ram is mad but it can't get out and run away.
(c) 2017 New Word A Day, ES Carruthers



Tractable- Obedient. Manageable. The tractable dog followed my commands.  

Reminds of track - we can track something that does what we say.

You have deux beehives and faux flowers. You fill your two hives with honey bees.

Why don't they make honey? answer below...

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. ~Steve Jobs

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answer: Faux means fake. You have bees but the flowers are not real. They won't provide pollen.
(c) 2017 New Word A Day, ES Carruthers



Salutary- promoting health. Vegetables make a salutary snack. I like them a not.
Salulary reminds of salute. I salute you with a toast to your health.

By Virginia Woolf
Thought and theory must precede all salutary action; yet action is nobler in itself than either thought or theory.

You and I have a gastromancy. There are tulips on the table. The candles are not lit. Why are we not eating? answer below...

He who has overcome his fears will truly be free. ~Aristotle

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answer: Gastromancy is predicting the future by listening to stomach sounds. It has nothing to do with food or romance. That's why we're not eating. (c) 2017 New Word A Day, ES Carruthers



Voluble <vol-u-bul> A constant flow of words. Talkative. Your email was voluble. It was huge. Remember: The volume of a bull.

A goose sits on your opulent lawn. She has three aglets with her. You throw bread but the aglets don't eat. Why don't they eat? answer below...

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined. ~Henry David Thoreau

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answer: An aglet is the plastic tube on the end of a shoelace. It does not eat.
(c) 2017 New Word A Day, ES Carruthers



Abbozzo - (ah-bo-zo) to make a rough drawing or sketch. We can't build a robot from an abozzo. Remember: Bozo or clown- not serious.

Your glass is leaking as you drink. A little dirigible comes from your mouth. You wipe it away and snicker. Why do we applaud you? answer below...

When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be. ~Lao Tzu - (Don't be afraid of success because you are comfortable) ~ ES Carruthers)

In a gentle way, you can shake the world. ~Mahatma Gandhi

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answer: A dirigible is a little airship. If one came out of your mouth... you just did a magic trick. That's why we applauded.
(c) 2017 New Word A Day, ES Carruthers



GUBBINS - An item of little value or worth. Small unnamed pieces.
A few hours with the scissors produced a heaping pile of gubbins.
They may be gubbins to you but treasures to me.

You are exposed to a bucolic environment. Your friend goes to sleep and you are getting sleepy.
Why do you not go to a doctor? answer below

Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen.
Keep in the sunlight. ~Benjamin Franklin

answer: bucolic means the pleasantry of being in the countryside or somewhere peaceful. That is why you do not go to the doctor. You are happy.
(c) 2017 New Word A Day, ES Carruthers



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ABLUVION (ah-blu-vee-on) material that is washed off. The abluvion fell like an avalanche. After all... it was years of dirt.

You have an affinity for Bob. He enters the room and you guffaw and leave. He comes to your home unannounced. Why do you answer the door? answer below...

Action is the foundational key to all success. ~Pablo Picasso

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affinity means to like something or someone,
You like Bob so  you are happy to see him.
(c) 2017 New Word A Day, ES Carruthers



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Disenchant- baffle; disappoint; dishearten;

I was disenchanted when I kissed a frog and it became a bigger frog.

You say: I have a quotidian habit of washing my epidermis once as week. Why do I know you didn't make sense?

Your philately activity is stopping our work. You're engrossed. Why do I take your glue?

If you're going through hell, keep going. -Winston Churchill

answer: Quotidian means to do something every day.

answer: Philately is the collecting of postage stamps.
(c) 2017 New Word A Day, ES Carruthers




-to act silly like a goose.

Memory trick: Anserine reminds of asinine.

A spork flies in through the window and delivers a baby to you. It's a languid day. You were expecting. How do I know the baby is tiny? Answer: below...

Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results. ~Willie Nelson

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answer: A spork is a spoon and fork in one. It's not a stork.

(c) 2017 New Word A Day, ES Carruthers



Fugacious <few-gay-shus> fleeting. The fugacious snow left us panting in our winter clothes. Trick: few because they were gracious and left.

Last night... you were gobsmacked by a beautiful person. You ducked and weaved. You bobbed. How hard were you hit? answer below...

The whole secret of a successful life is to find out what is one’s destiny to do, and then do it. ~Henry Ford

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answer: Gobsmacked means to be astounded. You were never hit. You were awed by their beauty.
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(c) 2017 New Word A Day, ES Carruthers






Boring; trite; bland;

Using a common and dull saying.

Boring- something that is not new and exciting. The banal play made us yawn. This tweet may be banal... but I like it!


Your dog is destressed about the blanket you bought him. It has cats and pigeons on it. He stares at it. Why don't you take it? answer below...

You play chess and make a blunderbuss. "You made a mistake! You are distracted" I say. How do I know what distracted you? answer below...


Your insult is banal because I heard it before.

His sign had a banal message. It was very boring.Ban - al

Ban (Reminds) Ban

Al (Reminds) All

Ban all boring stories.



Destressed means to attach an importance to something. The dog thought the blanket was special.
The blunderbuss is an old gun. You were distracted because you were making a gun... while playing chess.


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Courage and Virtues

You see a monkey, a chipmunk and a pander. They all eat apples and wear hats. The monkey wears boots. How many animals are there?
(answer below)

Courage is the resistance of fear, mastery of fear — not absence of fear.
~Mark Twain

When we have thoughts that reflect hatred, judgment, and exclusion, we’re moving away from our Source.
~Wayne Dyer

Search others for their Virtues, thyself for thy Vices.
~Benjamin Franklin

PANDER - to indulge the whims or desires of another - often with the hopes of getting something in return later.

answer: 2. A pander is to give someone what they want. If it was panderer - the answer might be 3 depending on your definition of animal.

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Doodle and dollop

Dude comes from the word doodle. A doodle is a fool or a simpleton. So.. when you call someone 'dude'.. you are calling them.. 'fool'.

DOODLE- A drawing by a fool or to fool. The song Yankee Doodle was meant to be an insult. The drawings look silly and are drawn by a doodle.

DOODLE comes from the German dudeltopf 'simpleton'. It became "make a fool of" in the early 1900s. Tricked again by a stick figure!

Dollop came from dallop ~ "a clump of grass". It  became "a lump of liquid" in the early 1800s. A clump of grass with your pie?

Daisy comes from the words 'day' and 'eye' because the petals of a daisy close at night and open during the day.  daisy = dayseye

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Daisy comes from the words 'day' and 'eye' because the petals of a daisy closes at night and opens during the day.  daisy = dayseye


Bumbershoot, "Put the money in the kitty", Impavid

We all used our bumbershoot. When you take it out... the bigger the better. It gets used a lot on a rainy day. What is it? ~ answer below...

"Put the money in the kitty" has nothing to do with a cat. A kit is old dutch for 'bag' as in... toolkit, medical kit, etc. Meow.

impavid - to be fearless - Memory trick: "I'm Avid". The impavid cat sniffed at the cucumber and gave a dismissive yawn. A bumbershoot is an unbrella.

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Tangible, Epidermis, Abibliophobia

Tangible comes from the Latin 'tangere' which means "to touch". I don't believe it unless I can touch it. I need tangible proof.

A man surprised you and showed his epidermis but you didn't scream. Why didn't you? Because... he only showed you... his... skin.

What does a New Word A Day cure? Abibliophobia- the fear of running out of reading material... or should it be Tweetiophobia?

The word ALONE comes from two words... "ALL" and "ONE". ALL there is... is ONE. How come it's not ALTWO but rather... a couple.

Daisy comes from the words 'day' and 'eye' because the petals of a daisy closes at night and opens during the day.  daisy = dayseye

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Nimrod, Compute and Happy

Nimrod originally meant "skillful hunter." It now means dumb because
Bugs Bunny called Elmer Fud... 'nimrod'... it was meant to be sarcasm.

Compute is actually an old word from Latin... 'com' = 'with',  'pute' = 'to think'.   ... And you thought Steve Jobs invented it!

Happy as a clam. Why would a clam be happy? The original saying was… “Happy as a clam at high tide.” A safe clam is a happy clam.

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Captcha, Dongle and Bumf

Captcha is the box on a website that makes you type again and again and again... to prove you are not a robot... How ironic?

My dongle is very big. It's quite impressive. Dongle (don-gul) a USB stick that unlocks protected software. Why are you smiling?

If you fell on your bumf... no worries... you fell on something that is boring to read... your glorious pride was not hurt. (slang)

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Abscond, Asynchronous, Lucky

Abscond, Asynchronous, Lucky

If you give a dog a bite... he will abscond with your sandwich. Abscond - to run away quickly (ahb-skond)

Asynchronous - doing two things not at the same time. Opposite of synchronized. Memory trick: A waits for B   ( aa-sink-kron-nus) #Asynchronous

Lucky - The Chinese consider bamboo, jade and the number 8 to be lucky. Maneki-neko is the Lucky Cat statue. A higher paw =  greater luck.

A bull is a Bovine, a dog a Canine, a cat is a Feline and a pig is a Porcine. Bird is Avian. Should it not be Airline?

(C) E.S. Carrutthers 2017


  IMMUTABLE <Im-mute-ah-bul> Unalterable; permanent; total; An unchangeable and undeniable absolute An immutable law never changes bec...