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Unalterable; permanent; total;

An unchangeable and undeniable absolute

An immutable law never changes because altering it boggles the universe.





A person who only wants pleasure.

A pleasure-seeking person who only seeks their own gratification.

A person who believes that seeking pleasure is the goal of life.

Memory Trick:

Hed - On - Ist

Heed Only My Interest

If you call someone a hedonist... it's usually considered negative.

You can say:  I had so much fun... I was like a hedonist.

Then it only means... you had a good time... and it is not seen as negative... because it was temporary or short-lived.

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Plaudits. <ploor-ditz> acclaim; applause; cheers; to get praise for doing something well.
He could not hear himself because of the plaudits of the crowd.

Memory trick:

plaudits reminds of applaud.

At work:

The workers got plaudits and gifts from the CEO. Everyone was happy.






inactivity; discontinuation; recess;

something that is suspended or discontinued.

Buggy whip sales fell into abeyance because of the invention of the automobile.

Memory trick:
abeyance reminds of obey.
we obey the circumstance and stop doing something.

At work:
The use of the bug tracking system fell into abeyance because the software was so good.





Companionship; fellowship; brotherhood;

Having close friendships among a group.

The camaraderie was great and everyone was friendly.



We are comrades when we are friends.





Addition; attachment; appendix

Adding an extension to something that already exists.

We added an annex to the building and it added two more rooms.

Memory Trick:
An - Nex
Nex (reminds of) next
Next to something is something new.

Remember: NEXT





gauge; test; precedent

A rule applied as a standard for evaluating something.

Finding Pretty shells is a criterion for making a nice necklace.

It is level of proof that must be met for a thing to be accepted.

A criterion for his viewing pleasure is that the movie must have a clown in it.

Criterion reminds us of critical.

You look at it in a critical way to decide if it is good enough.

Used at work:

A criterion is that you must work for the company to be eligible for the contest.

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 Cabal say: <kah-bowl>

A number of persons united in some close design, usually to promote their private views and interests in church or state by intrigue; a secret association composed of a few designing persons.

A junto. It so happened, by a whimsical coincidence, that in 1671 the cabinet consisted of five persons, the initial letters of whose names made up the word cabal.



say: <kah-bowl>

A number of persons united in some close design, usually to promote their private views and interests in church or state by intrigue; a secret association composed of a few designing persons.

A junto. It so happened, by a whimsical coincidence, that in 1671 the cabinet consisted of five persons, the initial letters of whose names made up the word cabal


AGRARIAN Pronounced: Ah-grair-re-an 

Synonyms: Rural; peasant; farming 

Definition: Being a field or a large piece of green land. 

Sentence: The agrarian people farm all day. 

Memory Trick: 
 A - grarian Grarian (reminds of) green or green grass The green grass covers the agrarian countryside. 




AGRARIAN Pronounced: Ah-grair-re-an Synonyms: Rural; peasant; farming Definition: Being a field or a large piece of green land. Sentence: The agrarian people farm all day. Memory Trick: A - grarian Grarian (reminds of) green or green grass The green grass covers the agrarian countryside. GREEN GRASS Subscribe to the New Word A Day Email 


study; examine; analyze; 

To read something with great attention. 

The woman will peruse the menu because she is a picky eater. 

Memory trick: 
ruse. we read carefully when we want to avoid a ruse. a ruse is a trick or a cheat. 

 At work: I will peruse the report tonight. I will tell you what I think in the morning.


conservative; conventional; accepted; 

something traditional or the way it has always been done. 

 She wears orthodox clothes because she wants to be conservative and professional. She never wears wild outfits. 

 Memory trick: 
orth is not north. we stay in one place. I no longer use orthodox sales techniques because the Internet has changed everything. Making a sales call in person is no longer efficient. Subscribe to the New Word A Day Email 


Salutary Pronounced: Means: Wholesome; healthful; promoting health . My use: Eating fruits and vegetables are salutary for your health. They give you energy. Literary use: By Virginia Woolf Thought and theory must precede all salutary action; yet action is nobler in itself than either thought or theory. Memory trick: Salut . ary Salut (reminds of) = Salute ( a cheer ) ary (sounds like) = airy – air ( good for health ) Salute . airy Subscribe to the New Word A Day Email 



INCULCATE In-cul-kayte Impart; educate; instill; Teaching persistently and earnestly. A teacher will inculcate a good work ethic in her students. Writing cat over and over did inculcate a love of spelling in me. In - culcate Subscribe to the New Word A Day Email  In (Reminds) In Culate (Reminds) Calculate We take in and calculate that which is taught to us. Memory Trick: IN CALCULATE


Vacuous silly; idiotic; empty; being unintelligent in the mind. He proved he was not vacuous when he wrote a best selling novel. Memory trick: vacuous reminds of vacuum. nothing is in a vacuum. At work: The meeting was not vacuous. I was happy with the ideas put forth. Subscribe to the New Word A Day Email 


Largess gift; generosity; donation; generously giving money away. He needed a bag to carry away the largess given by his relatives. Memory trick: largess reminds of large. we give large amounts of money. At work: We will have a big largess for bonuses this year. It was a good year. Subscribe to the New Word A Day Email 


ESPY Es-pee Observe; look; perceive; Seeing from far away. I espy a bus and it is the one that I am waiting for. E - spy Spy (Reminds) To spy or look I spy when I look from far away. SPY 


New Word A Day - Codicil

Codicil Listen: Codicil addendum; supplement; appendix; an addition at the end of a book or report. I added a codicil to the back of my report. It says where I found the information. Memory trick: codicil reminds of "co" "dictionary". dictionary reminds of words. we add more words. At work: I will add a codicil to the contract that will say when the job will be done. Subscribe to the New Word A Day Email 



Postulate theorize; hypothesize; presume; to suppose something to be true. The secret to playing pool is to postulate where the ball will end up. Memory trick: postulate reminds of formulate. At work: We need to research and not just postulate. We should not guess at what the customers will like. Click to subscribe to the New Word A Day Email. Fun! 



Apposite applicable; fitting; pertinent; something relevant to something else. A smile is apposite at a party because everyone is having fun. Memory trick: apposite reminds of appropriate. At work: Wearing a tie is apposite for a job interview. Subscribe to the New Word A Day Email 


  IMMUTABLE <Im-mute-ah-bul> Unalterable; permanent; total; An unchangeable and undeniable absolute An immutable law never changes bec...