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Unalterable; permanent; total;

An unchangeable and undeniable absolute

An immutable law never changes because altering it boggles the universe.





A person who only wants pleasure.

A pleasure-seeking person who only seeks their own gratification.

A person who believes that seeking pleasure is the goal of life.

Memory Trick:

Hed - On - Ist

Heed Only My Interest

If you call someone a hedonist... it's usually considered negative.

You can say:  I had so much fun... I was like a hedonist.

Then it only means... you had a good time... and it is not seen as negative... because it was temporary or short-lived.

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Plaudits. <ploor-ditz> acclaim; applause; cheers; to get praise for doing something well.
He could not hear himself because of the plaudits of the crowd.

Memory trick:

plaudits reminds of applaud.

At work:

The workers got plaudits and gifts from the CEO. Everyone was happy.






inactivity; discontinuation; recess;

something that is suspended or discontinued.

Buggy whip sales fell into abeyance because of the invention of the automobile.

Memory trick:
abeyance reminds of obey.
we obey the circumstance and stop doing something.

At work:
The use of the bug tracking system fell into abeyance because the software was so good.





Companionship; fellowship; brotherhood;

Having close friendships among a group.

The camaraderie was great and everyone was friendly.



We are comrades when we are friends.





Addition; attachment; appendix

Adding an extension to something that already exists.

We added an annex to the building and it added two more rooms.

Memory Trick:
An - Nex
Nex (reminds of) next
Next to something is something new.

Remember: NEXT





gauge; test; precedent

A rule applied as a standard for evaluating something.

Finding Pretty shells is a criterion for making a nice necklace.

It is level of proof that must be met for a thing to be accepted.

A criterion for his viewing pleasure is that the movie must have a clown in it.

Criterion reminds us of critical.

You look at it in a critical way to decide if it is good enough.

Used at work:

A criterion is that you must work for the company to be eligible for the contest.

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 Cabal say: <kah-bowl>

A number of persons united in some close design, usually to promote their private views and interests in church or state by intrigue; a secret association composed of a few designing persons.

A junto. It so happened, by a whimsical coincidence, that in 1671 the cabinet consisted of five persons, the initial letters of whose names made up the word cabal.



say: <kah-bowl>

A number of persons united in some close design, usually to promote their private views and interests in church or state by intrigue; a secret association composed of a few designing persons.

A junto. It so happened, by a whimsical coincidence, that in 1671 the cabinet consisted of five persons, the initial letters of whose names made up the word cabal


AGRARIAN Pronounced: Ah-grair-re-an 

Synonyms: Rural; peasant; farming 

Definition: Being a field or a large piece of green land. 

Sentence: The agrarian people farm all day. 

Memory Trick: 
 A - grarian Grarian (reminds of) green or green grass The green grass covers the agrarian countryside. 




AGRARIAN Pronounced: Ah-grair-re-an Synonyms: Rural; peasant; farming Definition: Being a field or a large piece of green land. Sentence: The agrarian people farm all day. Memory Trick: A - grarian Grarian (reminds of) green or green grass The green grass covers the agrarian countryside. GREEN GRASS Subscribe to the New Word A Day Email 


study; examine; analyze; 

To read something with great attention. 

The woman will peruse the menu because she is a picky eater. 

Memory trick: 
ruse. we read carefully when we want to avoid a ruse. a ruse is a trick or a cheat. 

 At work: I will peruse the report tonight. I will tell you what I think in the morning.


conservative; conventional; accepted; 

something traditional or the way it has always been done. 

 She wears orthodox clothes because she wants to be conservative and professional. She never wears wild outfits. 

 Memory trick: 
orth is not north. we stay in one place. I no longer use orthodox sales techniques because the Internet has changed everything. Making a sales call in person is no longer efficient. Subscribe to the New Word A Day Email 


Salutary Pronounced: Means: Wholesome; healthful; promoting health . My use: Eating fruits and vegetables are salutary for your health. They give you energy. Literary use: By Virginia Woolf Thought and theory must precede all salutary action; yet action is nobler in itself than either thought or theory. Memory trick: Salut . ary Salut (reminds of) = Salute ( a cheer ) ary (sounds like) = airy – air ( good for health ) Salute . airy Subscribe to the New Word A Day Email 



INCULCATE In-cul-kayte Impart; educate; instill; Teaching persistently and earnestly. A teacher will inculcate a good work ethic in her students. Writing cat over and over did inculcate a love of spelling in me. In - culcate Subscribe to the New Word A Day Email  In (Reminds) In Culate (Reminds) Calculate We take in and calculate that which is taught to us. Memory Trick: IN CALCULATE


Vacuous silly; idiotic; empty; being unintelligent in the mind. He proved he was not vacuous when he wrote a best selling novel. Memory trick: vacuous reminds of vacuum. nothing is in a vacuum. At work: The meeting was not vacuous. I was happy with the ideas put forth. Subscribe to the New Word A Day Email 


Largess gift; generosity; donation; generously giving money away. He needed a bag to carry away the largess given by his relatives. Memory trick: largess reminds of large. we give large amounts of money. At work: We will have a big largess for bonuses this year. It was a good year. Subscribe to the New Word A Day Email 


ESPY Es-pee Observe; look; perceive; Seeing from far away. I espy a bus and it is the one that I am waiting for. E - spy Spy (Reminds) To spy or look I spy when I look from far away. SPY 


New Word A Day - Codicil

Codicil Listen: Codicil addendum; supplement; appendix; an addition at the end of a book or report. I added a codicil to the back of my report. It says where I found the information. Memory trick: codicil reminds of "co" "dictionary". dictionary reminds of words. we add more words. At work: I will add a codicil to the contract that will say when the job will be done. Subscribe to the New Word A Day Email 



Postulate theorize; hypothesize; presume; to suppose something to be true. The secret to playing pool is to postulate where the ball will end up. Memory trick: postulate reminds of formulate. At work: We need to research and not just postulate. We should not guess at what the customers will like. Click to subscribe to the New Word A Day Email. Fun! 



Apposite applicable; fitting; pertinent; something relevant to something else. A smile is apposite at a party because everyone is having fun. Memory trick: apposite reminds of appropriate. At work: Wearing a tie is apposite for a job interview. Subscribe to the New Word A Day Email 



Soporific calming; hypnotic; sedative; something that causes a person to get sleepy. The lecture was soporific. I was glad to catch up on my sleep. Memory trick: soporific sounds like sofa. we can fall asleep on a sofa or couch. At work: Our advertisements were soporific until we added talking monkeys. Now they are entertaining. Subscribe to the New Word A Day Email 



AFFLATUS Ah-flat-tus Revelation; vision; insight; Getting a creative impulse. I had an afflatus and I created a new style of painting. He had an afflatus and never knew why he painted a cat. Afflat - us Afflat (Reminds) Inflate Us (Reminds) Us Inflate us with inspiration. INFLATE US Subscribe -- to New Word A Day 


Obdurate Obdurate Not moved by pity. Stubborn against good advice. The obdurate man would not listen to our complaints. He only yawned. A helikos pter is own my lawn. I spray it with water. I shout... but it won't go away. Why doesn't it go away? answer below... A cat has absolute emotional honesty. Human beings, for one reason or another, may hide their feelings, but a cat does not. ~Hemingway Grapes and raisins are poison to dogs. Never feed them that... or chocolate. Subscribe to New Word A Day


CREDENCE Pronounced: Kre-dense Synonyms: Belief; trust; acceptance Definition: Believing that something is true. Sentence: I give credence to the gossip because I believe the rumors. Memory Trick: Cred - ence Cred (reminds of) credible Ence (sounds like) sense We know it's credible when it makes sense. CREIDBLE SENSE Subscribe to New Word A Day


Sanguine Anticipating the best. Confident; full of hope; as sanguine of success. Warm; ardent; lively; confident; hopeful. Anticipating the best; not despondent; confident; . Subscribe to New Word A Day



ESCHEW Es-shoo Avoid; shun; abandon; Abstaining by staying away. I will eschew buying comics because I own too many. I will eschew donuts and not eat them again. Es - chew Es (Reminds) Sss or hiss Chew (Rhymes) Shoo or go away Hiss. Shoo! Go away! SSS SHOO



Pariah There is a pariah on stage giving a speech. It is an open air concert and you are wearing a brimless cap. Why does everyone leave? because.... A pariah is someone that no one likes. Pariah An outcast; one despised by society. Subscribe -- to New Word A Day 

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FRUCTIFY Frook-tee-feye Pollinate; fertilize; impregnate; Bearing fruit. The bee will fructify the flowers when it pollinates them. A bee will fructify flowers by carrying pollen to other flowers. Flowers use bees to multiply. Fruc - tify Fruc (Reminds) Fruit Tify (Reminds) Multiply Fruit multiplies. FRUIT MULTIPLY Subscribe -- to New Word A Day 



Overt open; obvious; clear Done in an unhidden or obvious way. It was an overt act of contempt when he stuck his tongue out at me. Think of... doing something and not caring who sees. Doing something that all can observe. Overt reminds of over. Something that is over us is something that everyone can see. Used at work: It was an overt admission when he confessed in an email sent to the entire company. Subscribe to New Word A Day:


UNMITIGATED Complete; totaling; sheer; Not reducing in any way. You're unmitigated success stunned because your victory was absolute. UN - MITI - GATED Un (Reminds) Un or not Miti (Reminds) Metered Gated (Reminds) Gated Not metered or gated because it ran wild. NOT METER GATED


Salutary Pronounced: Means: Wholesome; healthful; promoting health . My use: Eating fruits and vegetables are salutary for your health. They give you energy. Literary use: By Virginia Woolf Thought and theory must precede all salutary action; yet action is nobler in itself than either thought or theory. Memory trick: Salut . ary Salut (reminds of) = Salute ( a cheer ) ary (sounds like) = airy – air ( good for health ) Salute . airy




to examine with interest, to seek or sift out; properly, to sift through canvas. 
to examine thoroughly; to scrutinize; as to canvass the votes cast at an election;

To examine by discussion; to debate. We canvass for opinions.



To defend against or protect from.

Hard work is a bulwark against poverty.

Bulwark: To defend against or protect from.

Memory Trick: Bull Walk - A bull is tough.

Bulwark reminds of Bull Walk

To protect or guard.

A raincoat is a bulwark against the rain.

Cavalcade and Epistle

Today's words!


A procession of persons on horseback; a formal, pompous march of horsemen by way of parade.

"He brought back the war-worn cavalcade to the city."

< kav-al-kayd >




Anything sent by a messenger, message, letter, fr. to send to, tell by letter or message.

A writing directed or sent to a person or persons; a written communication; a letter; applied usually to formal, didactic, or elegant letters.

"A madman’s epistles are no gospels." Shak.




Fancy; Swagger; Grand

Very showy in a big, elegant, way

The store had swank because the new drapes were beautiful.

Memory Trick:
Swan - k
Swan (reminds of) swan or a beautiful bird
It's pretty like a swan, when it has swank.

Reminds of SWAN






Bitter; sour; cutting;

Acting unkind in a harsh manner.

You are acerbic when you are being cruel.

His acerbic words hurt my feelings.

Acer - bic

Acer (Reminds) Ace or expert

Bic (Reminds) Bicker

An ace at bickering is a bitter person.





Careless; heedless; indifferent; unconcerned

"Your Insouciant attitude makes me think you don't care about it."


 Phlegmatic <fleg-mat-tik>

Not easily excited to action or passion; cold; dull; sluggish; heavy; as a phlegmatic person.

"He is a phlegmatic person. He is bored by everything."




Accumulation; increment; addition;

Gradually grow by an outside source.

Water is an accretion for a beach because creates it from the sand.

An accretion of sand created my favorite beach.

Acc - retion

Acc (Reminds) Accumulate

Retion (Reminds) Ration

We accumulate a ration when it grows.



 New Word A Day

ABLUVION (ah-blu-vee-on) material that is washed off. The abluvion fell like an avalanche. After all... it was years of dirt.

You have an affinity for Bob. He enters the room and you guffaw and leave. He comes to your home unannounced. Why do you answer the door? answer below...

Action is the foundational key to all success. ~Pablo Picasso




To have a harmonious relationship.

To have a responsive relationship.

"When two people are attuned, ... they finish each others sentences."

"A good business is attuned to its customers."





confess; admit; declare

Openly admit something for all to hear.

She avowed that she did not eat the candy. She said the cat ate it.

Memory trick: Think of a wedding vow where you declare your love in front of friends and family.

He is an avowed sports fan. He tells anyone who will listen.

Used at work:
I am an avowed Mac lover even though I work with Windows.


  IMMUTABLE <Im-mute-ah-bul> Unalterable; permanent; total; An unchangeable and undeniable absolute An immutable law never changes bec...